A Bientôt, Farvel and Adios...portraits from the final danish-french-spano-ruso-chino-palestinian-american-macedonian goodbye...(did I miss anyone?) and thanks to Simon, who introduced me to his favorite technique...
Three Flasks of Bacardi. (Aaron, did you take this shot?)
Charlotte, journalism exchange from SciencesPo University, Paris.
Melissa, journalism exchange from SciencesPo University, Paris.
Baptiste, a third journalism exchange from SciencesPo. Slagjan looking...a bit like Jesus.
Larry and Laural Power, volunteers at the Lighthouse Theater, have known Hazel since she was a child. Hazel shares a close relationship with her volunteers and performers alike. This couple is part of a portrait series done for the project of the many faces of the theater. Enjoy!
Laura Draffen and "Zinny" dance salsa Wednesday night at the Artisan. Mainly club dancers, the couple began dancing four and a half years ago when locales in Columbia started to host Latin Dance nights.
I liked the hands in the picture; that's all. I had mostly problems of aiming my flash (I'm clumsy with a monopod!) and getting the focus just right. I did, however, find it easier to shoot this situation than I had during the Single Flash Assignment.
This one's been around for a while; but it's one of my favorites. For those of you who haven't seen Luis Sinco's Marlboro Marine (featured on Media Storm for the past year), it's definately worth a few minute's of your time.
I find the piece a good follow-up to Sinco's leading image (which on its own became iconic of the war in Iraq). He later delved into this Marine's life and post-duty experience; an honest and provoking portrait of both an individual and an issue much larger than himself.
High-strung and attentive, Erin O'Neill makes her way through Graduate School at the University of Missouri. After obtaining her bachelor's degree in Convergence Journalism and spending a semester abroad in Sydney, Australia, O'Neill has returned to Mizzou. Working on Graphics Team at the local paper and as a teacher's assistant in Communication Law, her semester is both hectic and stimulating.
I had wanted to practice studio-portraiture once more since I'm hoping to do something like it for the final project...Erin was kind enough to sit for another session since we were partners for the original classmate portrait assignment. This time I remembered NOT to shoot in tungsten...
I found the red frame just lying in the studio and we had some fun with it...by the way, does it belong to anyone?
This is why good aim helps...My favorite image of the assignment take, but my flash missed the kid and the kid missed the ball....so I got hit in the face and had to bring up this image in levels.
Fill-Flash Select: Mill Creek Elementary School students play tether-ball during recess one chilly Thursday in November. The students will be allowed to play outside all winter long as long as the temperature remains above 0 degrees (F).
A re-shoot of my metal&glass. I spent the better part of a studio session trying to reposition the white-line on these glasses. It ended up being more efficient to reposition my camera rather than the lights. Finally, I ended up using only one soft-box, one spotlight on the leaf, and one gold reflector.
A second view on the Silo: "It was a balmy night in November..." Unfortunately, the images were underexposed and we didn't bracket it in the field. I brought these up in levels.
"Hit and run!" The unintentional ghosting of Jakob...
A modern-day phantom fills the ruins of a 1920's grain silo off the Sinkhole Trail in Rockbridge Memorial State Park. There is a current effort to fill in missing holes of the park's history; known to have included a mill and distillery, amusement park, industrial center, and various family farms. The area has always been frequented by visitors for its natural beauty even before it became a public park in the 1960's.
Gabrielle Parish, employee at Maude V vintage clothing store on Broadway in Columbia, enjoys working halloween season. "It's busy," she says, "but I get to be creative and help peeps out." The store has for the past eight years been collecting and offering for rental a basement-sized collection of costumes during the Halloween season. Oct 30 2008.
Anna Martinez's first dance at the Artisan's Wednesday Latin Dance Night. Her partner, known as "Link", attends everyweek. With the closing of other venues, the Artisan has just begun hosting this event this Fall.
Selena Lian works as the sole waitress one Monday night at Formosa and Cajun, what has been Columbia's Downtown Chinese restaurant on Broadway for over thirty years. Selena, originally from an area near Taiwaan has been in the US for two years.
Chicago, the "New York of the Midwest", seen from the bean sculpture in Millenium Park.
We passed the weenie truck on the drive up. Somewhere in Illinois.
Downtown Milwaukee. Someone really didn't want their bike stolen...too bad we passed by later that night and the entire sidewalk was missing (construction).
Pidgeons in downtown Chicago. I got several awkward stares from pedestrians.
Art institute of Chicago. Fueling up for the visit, so much to see...
The essence of a museum piece.
Herman Atkins MacNeal
So much house for such a tiny person. Emily's Victorian house, Milwaukee.
American version of bocadillos Greyhound Station, Chicago.