Sunday, January 25, 2009

eighty odd years in a box

"Welcome to my home" seemed a bit ironic for the day, a greeting inscribed in imitation stone which remained past its time. I volunteered my Saturday to help my grandmother and her family clean out her cousin Dorothy's trailer home. The cousin, in her mid-eighties, had been going senile and has recently been put in a nursing home. She had a maddening accumulation off stuff...I never knew so much could fit into a trailer home.

Dorothy never married and had three brothers, all of whom she outlived. Her cousins, peers, are the closest family she has and have become her legal caretakers. From lifting boxes to arranging tax forms, bank accounts and other paperwork it is an exhausting situation for them all.
...things that have been in the kitchen since before I was born...

An empty can of what used to be Boost forgotten on the back porch. 

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