Monday, February 9, 2009

Chickens in Classrooms

Okay, so even though we watched the "Natural Cycle of a Chicken" today in class I had planned to shoot this event since last month. I am hoping to delve into a photo essay of local foods in Columbia and thought this a neat event and good way to stick my foot in the door. Farmer Julie Walker of Greystone Farms brought a crate of her chickens and several cartons of eggs into Lee School to show them a bit of her work. The kids were FASCINATED.

On another note, turns out Walker has been covered a lot already. Flipping through the archives I see that someone in our picture story class even wrote a story on her turkeys a couple years back. She did mention to me about a couple other interesting figures in the Columbia slow food scene, including a man who roasts his own for all who know me, that's something I'll have to look into!

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